1. 布琮任,《海不揚波:清代中國與亞洲海洋》,臺北:時報文化,2021。
2. 松浦章,《近代東亞海域交流:海域與文化傳播》,新北:博揚文化,2021。
3. 羽田正著,孫若勝譯,《全球化與世界史》,上海:復旦大學出版社,2021。
4. 李孝聰、鐘翀主編,《外國所繪近代中國城市地圖總目提要》,上海:中西書局,2020。
5. SOON KEONG ONG(王純強), Coming Home to a Foreign Country: Xiamen and Returned Overseas Chinese, 1843–1938. Cornell University Press, 2021.
5. SOON KEONG ONG, Coming Home to a Foreign Country: Xiamen and Returned Overseas Chinese, 1843–1938.
Ong Soon Keong explores the unique position of the treaty port Xiamen (Amoy) within the China-Southeast Asia migrant circuit and examines its role in the creation of Chinese diasporas. Coming Home to a Foreign Country addresses how migration affected those who moved out of China and later returned to participate in the city's economic revitalization, educational advancement, and urban reconstruction. Ong shows how the mobility of overseas Chinese allowed them to shape their personal and community identities for pragmatic and political gains. This resulted in migrants who returned with new money, knowledge, and visions acquired abroad, which changed the landscape of their homeland and the lives of those who stayed.
Placing late Qing and Republican China in a transnational context, Coming Home to a Foreign Country explores the multilayered social and cultural interactions between China and Southeast Asia. Ong investigates the role of Xiamen in the creation of a China-Southeast Asia migrant circuit; the activities of aspiring and returned migrants in Xiamen; the accumulation and manipulation of multiple identities by Southeast Asian Chinese as political conditions changed; and the motivations behind the return of Southeast Asian Chinese and their continual involvement in mainland Chinese affairs. For Chinese migrants, Ong argues, the idea of "home" was something consciously constructed.
Ong complicates familiar narratives of Chinese history to show how the emigration and return of overseas Chinese helped transform Xiamen from a marginal trading outpost at the edge of the Chinese empire to a modern, prosperous city and one of the most important migration hubs by the 1930s.
1. Defining Xiamen: Trade and Migration before the Opium War (1839–1842)
2. Opening for Business: Xiamen as a Treaty Port
3. Facilitating Migration: Xiamen as a Migration Hub
4. Manipulating Identities: State and Opportunities in Xiamen
5. Transforming Xiamen: Urban Reconstruction in the 1920s
6. Making Home: Xiamen as Destination and Home
1. 李文環,《高雄第一盛場:鹽埕風》,高雄:高雄市政府文化局,2021。
2. 孫衛國,《「再造藩邦」之師:萬曆抗倭援朝明軍將士群體研究》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2021。
3. Mihoko Oka, The Namban Trade: Merchants and Missionaries in 16th and 17th Century Japan. Brill Press, 2021.
4. 《中國飲食文化》「香料改變世界」專號
3. Mihoko Oka, The Namban Trade: Merchants and Missionaries in 16th and 17th Century Japan.
This book attempts to depict certain aspects of the Portuguese trade in East Asia in the 16th and 17th centuries by analyzing the activities of the merchants and Christian missionaries involved. It also discusses the response of the Japanese regime in handling the systemic changes that took place in the Asian seas. Consequently, it explains how Jesuit missionaries forged close ties with local merchants from the start of their activities in East Asian waters, and there is no doubt that the propagation of Christianity in Japan was a result of their cooperation. The author of this book attempted to combine the essence of previous studies by Japanese and western scholars and added several new findings from analyses of original Japanese and European language documents.
Chapter 1 The Portuguese in the East Asian Seas in the 16th Century
Chapter 2 The Structure and Content of Namban Trade
Chapter 3 The Namban Trade and Nagasaki Merchants
Chapter 4 Macao and the Namban Trade
Chapter 5 Religion and Power in Macao
Chapter 6 The Jesuits and Trade after the Prohibition of Christianity in Japan
Chapter 7 Nagasaki during the Kan‘ei Period
Epilogue The Final Phase of the Namban Trade