第2章 東南アジア
東南アジアの山岳宗教(時枝 務)
GẠCH IN NIÊN HIỆU THỜI LÝ(1009-1225) Ở VIỆT NAM(ダン・ホン・ソン)
Kerajaan Gowa-Tallo, Sulawesi Selatan:Pusat Peradaban Abad Ke-16-19(ソニー・ウィビソノ/ナニッ・ハルカンティニンシ)
文化財の「返還」とはなにか─世界史の中のベトナム文化財返還をめぐる覚書─(俵 寛司)
Assibbukal and delpet:two types of stones used during forming stage of potterymaking in Atulu village in Cagayan Province, northern Luzon, Philippines(Kazuhiko Tanaka and Ame M. Garong)
第3章 陶磁器 中国明代瓦窯と沖縄湧田窯の比較研究(森 達也)
Groninger Museumの沈没船資料―Geldermalsen号発見の陶瓷器―(髙島裕之)
Decorative tiles in Southeast Asia after the Age of Exploration(Ellen Hsieh)
第Ⅱ部 クラスキノ古城の機能と性格
Nature and function of Kraskino walled town in Primorye region through the historical viewpoint◉A.L.Ivliev(translation by A.L.Ivliev)
Retrospective glance on 30 years of excavation of Kraskino ancient town and beginning of cooperation with Japanese archaeologists◉V.Boldin(translation by A.L.Ivliev)
第Ⅲ部 クラスキノ古城出土の遺物
Pottery of Kraskinskoye walled town◉E.I.Gelman(translation by E.I.Gelman)
Part 1: 図版 Catalogue
資料解題 Bibliographical Introduction 黄淑薇(Suk Mei Irene Wong)
I. 海と都市 Ocean and City
II. 人びとの生活 Livelihood of People
III. 外国人の表象 Images of Foreigners
IV. 宗教 Religion
V. 香港Hong Kong
VI. 広東 Guangdong
Part 2: 解説 Essays
第1章 ダーウェント・コレクションと私 ブライアン・カスバートソン
The Derwent Collection and I/Brian Cuthbertson
第2章 マカオの歴史と重要性:香港および中国との関係という視点から 朱益宜
Macau's History and Importance: From the Perspective of Its Relations with Hong Kong and China/Cindy Yik-yi Chu
第3章 近代の日本とマカオ、そしてポルトガル―香港および中国との関係という視点から 岡美穂子
The Japanese Empire's Relationship with Macau and Portugal/Mihoko Oka
第4章 19世紀のマカエンセの暮らし グラッサ・パシェコ・ジョルジェ
The Life of the Macanese in the Nineteenth Century/Graca Pacheco Jorge
第5章 アジアにおけるキリスト教とマカオ 朱益宜
Macau and Catholicism in Asia/Cindy Yik-yi Chu
結語 絵画から写真へ―ダーウェント・コレクションの意義とマカオ・イメージ
の変容 貴志俊彦
Conclusion: From Painting to Photography: The Significance of the Derwent Collection and the Changing Landscape of Macau/Toshihiko Kishi
マカオ史年表(18‐19世紀)Timeline of Macau History: 18th -19th Century
貴志俊彦・岡美穂子・朱益宜(Toshihiko Kishi, Mihoko Oka, and Cindy Yik-yi Chu)
ブックガイド Bibliography
貴志俊彦・岡美穂子・朱益宜(Toshihiko Kishi, Mihoko Oka, and Cindy Yik-yi Chu)
作品リスト List of Works
黄淑薇・貴志俊彦(Suk Mei Irene Wong, Toshihiko Kishi)
執筆者一覧 Authors List
1. 謝湜,《山海故人:明清浙江的海疆歷史與海島社會》。北京:北京師範大學出版社,2020。
2. Owen Lattimore & Eleanor Lattimore著;方笑天、袁劍譯,《絲綢、香料與帝國:亞洲的「發現」》,上海:上海人民出版社,2021。
3. Haneda, Masashi,Oka, Mihoko, A Maritime History of East Asia. Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press, 2019.
4. 楊渡,《澎湖灣的荷蘭船:十七世紀荷蘭人怎麼來到臺灣》,臺北:南方家園,2021。
3. Haneda, Masashi,Oka, Mihoko, A Maritime History of East Asia.
A Maritime History of East Asia takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the history of a region from the perspective of the interactions that occurred on and were facilitated by the sea. The book is divided into three parts that each focus on a different hundred-year period between 1250 and 1800, characterized by ‘openness’, ‘competition’ and ‘compartmentalization’ respectively. The chapters in each part examine the people, goods and information, that flowed across the seas of the East Asian maritime world, facilitating cultural exchange and hybridity. The intricate and often fraught relations between China, Japan and Korea feature throughout, as well as those between these polities and the waves of outsiders that sought to trade with them and to conquer them. Regional diplomacy, ship-building technology, weaponry, Wokou pirate bands, the fates of castaways and the development of international trade networks are just some of the topics that paint a vivid picture of the interconnected world of the East Asian maritime region during this period.
Part 1: The Open Sea, from 1250 to 1350
1.1 General Overview
1.2 The Background to Maritime Interaction and Its Agents
1.3 Increased Openness: Maritime Merchants Expand Maritime Interactions
1.4 What Conflicts with the Mongols Wrought: Isolationism Within Openness
1.5 Traffic in Goods and Technology: Expanding the Field of Interaction and Mutual Exchange
Part 2: Competing for the Sea, from 1500 to 1600
2.1 General Overview
2.2 The Age of the Wokou: Transformations in the Structure of East Asian Trade
2.3 The Age of Maritime Merchants
2.4 Development of Diverse and Hybrid Cultures
Part 3: The Compartmentalized Sea, from 1700 to 1800
3.1 General Overview
3.2 Maritime Merchants and “Compartmentalization” Among Early Modern States
3.3 Compression and Concentration of Interactions and Residences
3.4 Trans-Oceanic Movements of Goods and Information
Historical Geography Index
Name Index
Subject Index
1.高馬可(John M. Carroll) 著,林立偉譯,《帝國夾縫中的香港:華人精英與英國殖民者》。香港:香港大學出版社,2021。
2.Susan E. Schopp, Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842. Hong Kong University Press, 2020.
3.Paul A. Van Dyke, Whampoa and the Canton Trade: Life and Death in a Chinese Port, 1700–1842. Hong Kong University Press, 2020.
4.Smriti Srinivas, Bettina Ng'weno, Neelima Jeychandran, Reimagining Indian Ocean Worlds. CRC Press, 2020.
1.高馬可(John M. Carroll) 著,林立偉譯,《帝國夾縫中的香港:華人精英與英國殖民者》。
2.Susan E. Schopp, Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842.
Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842 presents a rare and lively view of the French experience at Canton, and calls for a reappraisal of France’s role in that trade. France was one of the two most important Western powers in the eighteenth century, and was home to one of the three major European East India companies. Yet the nation is woefully underrepresented in Canton trade scholarship. Susan E. Schopp rescues the French from the sidelines, showing that they exerted a presence that, though closely watched by their rivals, is today largely unrecognized. Their contributions were diverse, ranging from finding new sea routes to inspiring the renovation of hong façades. Consequently, to ignore the French, or to dismiss them as simply “also-rans,” results in a skewed perception of the Canton system.
Schopp also demonstrates that while the most distinctive aspect of the French model of company trade was the dominant role of the state—indeed, the French East India Company has been memorably described as a “Versailles of trade”—this did not rule out a place for legitimate, and sometimes surprising, participation by the private sector. On the contrary: France’s commercial relations with China were inaugurated by private traders, and the popularity of the Canton trade spurred the eventual demise of the company model. Backed up by extensive archival work, Schopp’s work demonstrates a remarkable understanding of the Sino-European trade, and her book reveals an unparalleled passion for the role of seamanship in history.
Introduction 1
1. Chronological Overview of the French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842 7
2. A “Versailles of Trade”: The French Company Model of Sino-European Trade 25
3. East India Ships and Chop Boats 41
4. The Voyage and Sea Routes 55
5. The French Hong: The Physical Plant 73
6. The French Hong: Daily Work Life and Operations 95
7. Life Outside Work 109
8. Biographical Sketches 117
Conclusion 133
Appendices Appendix
1: French Trading Voyages to China, 1698–1842 135 Appendix
2: French Intra-Asian Trading Voyages to China, 1700–1803 158 Appendix
3: French Return Cargoes from China, 1766 161 Glossary 163
Bibliography 165
Index 187
3.Paul A. Van Dyke, Whampoa and the Canton Trade: Life and Death in a Chinese Port, 1700–1842.
Paul A. Van Dyke’s new book, Whampoa and the Canton Trade: Life and Death in a Chinese Port, 1700–1842, authoritatively corrects misconceptions about how the Qing government treated foreigners when it controlled all trade in the Guangzhou port. Van Dyke reappraises the role of Whampoa in the system—a port twenty kilometres away from Guangzhou—and reassesses the government’s attitude towards foreigners, which was much more accommodating than previous research suggested. In fact, Van Dyke shows that foreigners were not bound by local laws and were given freedom of movement around Whampoa and Canton to the extent that they were treated with leniency even when found in off-limit places.
Whampoa and the Canton Trade recounts the lives of seamen who travelled half-way around the globe at great risk and lived through a historic period that would become the framework for subsequent encounters between China and the rest of the world. Were it not for the exchanges between the major powers and the Qing empire, the world—as we know it—would be a rather different place. Hence, Van Dyke’s command of data mining shows that Whampoa was a key pillar in the Canton System and, thus, in the making of the modern world economy.
List of Illustrations ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xx
Introduction: Whampoa and the Canton Trade 1
Chapter 1: Ship Data, Manipulation of Trade Figures, and British Dominance 14
Chapter 2: Anchoring, Careening, Commodores, and Signalling 39
Chapter 3: Bankshalls 64
Chapter 4: Healthcare, Injuries, Deaths, and Drunkenness 83
Chapter 5: Death Estimates, Burial Protocols, and Special Celebrations 108
Chapter 6: Crimes and Punishments 124
Chapter 7: Chinese Thefts 157
Chapter 8: Labour Market, Desertions, and Dismissals 176
Chapter 9: Protests, EIC Row Guard, Religious Services, and the Belvidere Mutiny 197
Chapter 10: Floating Brothels and ‘Unnatural Acts’ 220
Chapter 11: Disasters and Marine Insurance 238
Conclusion: The Story Is in the Details 254
4.Smriti Srinivas, Bettina Ng'weno, Neelima Jeychandran, Reimagining Indian Ocean Worlds.
This book breaks new ground by bringing together multidisciplinary approaches to examine contemporary Indian Ocean worlds. It reconfigures the Indian Ocean as a space for conceptual and theoretical relationality based on social science and humanities scholarship, thus moving away from an area-based and geographical approach to Indian Ocean studies.
Contributors from a variety of disciplines focus on keywords such as relationality, space/place, quotidian practices, and new networks of memory and maps to offer original insights to reimagine the Indian Ocean. While the volume as a whole considers older histories, mobilities, and relationships between places in Indian Ocean worlds, it is centrally concerned with new connectivities and layered mappings forged in the lived experiences of individuals and communities today. The chapters are steeped in ethnographic, multi-modal, and other humanities methodologies that examine different sources besides historical archives and textual materials, including everyday life, cities, museums, performances, the built environment, media, personal narratives, food, medical practices, or scientific explorations.
An important contribution to several fields, this book will be of interest to academics of Indian Ocean studies, Afro-Asian linkages, inter-Asian exchanges, Afro-Arab crossroads, Asian studies, African studies, Anthropology, History, Geography, and International Relations.
Introduction: Many Worlds, Many Oceans, Smriti Srinivas, Bettina Ng’weno and Neelima Jeychandran
Part I Proximity and Distance
1. The Ends of the Indian Ocean: Notes on Boundaries and Affinities across Time, Jeremy Prestholdt
2. Indian Ocean Ontology: Nyerere, Memory, Place, May Joseph
3. The Littoral, the Container, and the Interface: Situating the Dry Port as an Indian Ocean Imaginary, Ishani Saraf
4. Seasons of Sail: The Monsoon, Kinship, and Labor in the Dhow Trade, Nidhi Mahajan
Part II Landscapes, Oceanscapes, and Practices
5. Elsewheres in the Indian Ocean: Spatio-Temporal Encounters and Imaginaries Beyond the Sea, Nethra Samarawickrema
6. Dicey Waterways: Evolving Networks and Contested Spatialities in Goa, Maya Costa-Pinto
7. Improvising Juba: Productive Precarity and Making the Present at the Edge of the Indian Ocean World, Christian J. Doll
8. Displacemaking with Shutki: Living with Dead, Dried Fish as Companions, Bidita Jawher Tithi
Part III Memory and Maps
9. Memory, Memorialization and "Heritage" in the Indian Ocean, Pedro Machado
10. Shorelines of Memory and Ports of Desire: Geography, Identity, and the Memory of Oceanic Trade in Mekran Coast (Balochistan), Hafeez Ahmed Jamali
11. The Ship and The Anchor: Shifting Cartographies of Affinity and Belonging Among Sikhs in Fiji, Nicole Ranganath
Part IV Methods and Disciplines
12. Bibi’s Uchungu: Eating, Bitterness, and Relationality across Indian Ocean Worlds, Laura A. Meek
13. Marfa Masti: Performing Shifting Indian Ocean Geographies, Pallavi Sriram
14. Exploring the "Unknown:" Indian Ocean Materiality as Method, Vivian Y. Choi
1-3: Hong Kong University Press
4: CRC Press
1.Melissa Macauley, Distant Shores: Colonial Encounters on China's Maritime Frontier. Princeton University Press, 2021.
2.上田信、中島楽章 ,《アジアの海を渡る人々:一六・一七世紀の渡海者》,橫濱:春風社,2021。
1.Melissa Macauley, Distant Shores: Colonial Encounters on China's Maritime Frontier.
China has conventionally been considered a land empire whose lack of maritime and colonial reach contributed to its economic decline after the mid-eighteenth century. Distant Shores challenges this view, showing that the economic expansion of southeastern Chinese rivaled the colonial ambitions of Europeans overseas.
In a story that dawns with the Industrial Revolution and culminates in the Great Depression, Melissa Macauley explains how sojourners from an ungovernable corner of China emerged among the commercial masters of the South China Sea. She focuses on Chaozhou, a region in the great maritime province of Guangdong, whose people shared a repertoire of ritual, cultural, and economic practices. Macauley traces how Chaozhouese at home and abroad reaped many of the benefits of an overseas colonial system without establishing formal governing authority. Their power was sustained instead through a mosaic of familial, fraternal, and commercial relationships spread across the ports of Bangkok, Singapore, Saigon, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Swatow. The picture that emerges is not one of Chinese divergence from European modernity but rather of a convergence in colonial sites that were critical to modern development and accelerating levels of capital accumulation.
A magisterial work of scholarship, Distant Shores reveals how the transoceanic migration of Chaozhouese laborers and merchants across a far-flung maritime world linked the Chinese homeland to an ever-expanding frontier of settlement and economic extraction.
2.上田信、中島楽章 ,《アジアの海を渡る人々:一六・一七世紀の渡海者》