4. 蔡暻洙(서울대학교), 〈淸朝의包攝政策과 鄭氏隷下海上集團의 轉向 - 臺灣遠征隊 구성원의 성격 분석을 중심으로 〉,《明清史研究》第52輯(2019年10月,南韓),頁257-291。
The Appeasement Policy of the Qing and the Conversion of Merchant-Pirate Groups under the Zheng - A Study on the Identities of the Members of the Taiwan Campaign Army
5. Limahong's Pirates, Ming Mariners, and Early Sino, ''Spanish Relations: The Pangasinan Campaign of 1575 and Global History from Below'', Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, Volume 67, Numbers 3-4, September-December 2019, 315-342.
過去臺灣有關甘為霖生蹟的認識和記載,多偏重於他在臺灣的宣教事蹟。少數對甘為霖個人生活描述,經常會有錯誤或語焉不詳之處。不過自從2002年英國「資訊自由法」(The Freedom of Information Act 2002)通過後,許多歷史資料皆已公開,加上現在數位網路科技的發展,透過網路可以輕易取得相關資料,增加對早期宣教士家庭背景的了解。本文將介绍如何透過ScotlandsPeople和Ancestry這兩個數位資料庫,輔以其他資料來重建甘為霖的個人與家族史。
4. 蔡暻洙(서울대학교), 〈淸朝의包攝政策과 鄭氏隷下海上集團의 轉向 - 臺灣遠征隊 구성원의 성격 분석을 중심으로 〉
This research attempts to draw a conclusion that the appeasement policy and the conversion of merchant-pirate groups under the Zheng served as the impetus of the Qing’s victory against the Zheng.
Most of the Fujianese merchant-pirate groups were normally under the banner of the Zheng or cooperated in the business of the Zheng. When they did not have any common interests with the Zheng, they often stayed in neutral, hardly supported the Qing against the Zheng. The Zheng was able to fight against the giant-the Qing empire- under the endorsement of Chinese merchant-pirate groups.
The Qing court implemented an appeasement policy targeting the Zheng continuously. The appeasement policy of the Qing may be categorized into two kinds. The one is conciliatory moves towards the chiefs of the Zheng directly. The other is aiming the subordinate groups of the Zheng instead. The former failed utterly, while the latter achieved enormous success. As a result, the Qing obtained powerful allies, whereas the Zheng lost its influence over the Chinese merchant-pirate groups.
Fujianese formed a majority in the Taiwan campaign army from high-level officers to low-level soldiers. Many of them were surrenderers from the Zheng camp. In other words, the Zheng was conquered by the Qing navy, which was composed of Fujian littoral peoples, who escaped from the shadow of the Zheng’s influence.
The military value of the Taiwan campaign army fell rapidly after the elimination of the Zheng. However, under Shi Lang’s tremendous efforts, the surrenderers melted into the Qing navy successfully. Surely, the retainment of Taiwan and the establishment of the Taiwan Garrison are the most representative achievements.
In short, the merchant-pirate groups in Fujian did not disappear with the extinction of the Zheng but transformed themselves into the Qing navy successfully.
5. Limahong's Pirates, Ming Mariners, and Early Sino, ''Spanish Relations: The Pangasinan Campaign of 1575 and Global History from Below''
In late November 1574, the notorious Limahong and his pirates arrived in the Philippine archipelago. Previous studies have focused on their infamous Manila raid. Cross-examining Ming Chinese and Spanish sources, the present study examines the campaign to capture them in Pangasinan in 1575, which reveals a temporary tripartite Sino–Spanish–Luzonese antipiracy alliance that is occluded in contemporary sources. This study highlights global history based on transregional linkages as embodied by Limahong's marauding pirates who, as nonstate actors, precipitated state-to-state contact between South China and the Philippine archipelago but whose escape in August 1575 unraveled early Sino–Spanish relations.
異文化的接觸,主要的媒介便是語言,因此由通曉雙方語言人士所編輯的詞典或文法書,便成為理解異文化過往交流歷史的重要史料。明中葉以降葡萄牙及西班牙人來到東亞海域後,由於天主教教會欲向華人傳教之故,所以傳教士們留下的十六至十八世紀官話或閩南語的詞典及文法文本,便成為今日相關學者得以進行研究的基礎。但另一方面,關於華人學習歐洲語言的部份,除少數中文古籍中存有些許葡萄牙或西班牙文詞彙外,至今少有史料留下。因此,本文將針對德國沃爾芬比特(Wolfenbüttel)奧古斯特公爵圖書館(Herzog August Bibliothek)所藏,原被學術界認為是十八世紀澳門—葡萄牙文的一份中文手稿,如何從中抽絲剝繭確認其為十七世紀菲律賓群島唐人所寫的閩南—西班牙文辭典手稿,以及針對其史料包含《佛郎機化人話簿》、《利數簿》及五封華商書信等進行研究討論。
9. 盧正恒,〈難番、鑽石、鎮臣與帝國:施廷專與乾隆十八年西班牙船難事件〉。
飄風船處理制度的事件。此事件的主角是西班牙帝國的殖民地邦加斯蘭市長Juan Manuel de Arza y Urrutia 以及大清帝國勳裔的施琅之孫施廷專。Juan Manuel 因風飄至溫州後,受到懷柔遠人的觀念下的地方官員接待。溫州地方人士有機會接觸到入住城內的西班牙一行人,並留下充滿異國情調的觀察;浙江官方則因象徵「普世帝國」任務的《皇清職貢圖》編纂,詳細記錄西班牙的衣著與外貌。移往廈門等待風汛的西班牙難番,卻因為仇敵蘇祿的貢船停泊該地以及福建接連發生的天主教教案,而被嚴加看管。此時,施廷專收受鑽石饋禮之事爆發,受到彈劾。最終,施廷專遭免職;Juan Manuel 則錯過返回報到的時間,再無擔任殖民地官職的紀錄。一場意外的漂風事件,影響二位帝國官員的官運,也讓學界有機會透過歐洲飄風船到中國的事件,檢視地方如何因應不同局勢反應清帝國的不同面相。